International Coffee Day Exhibition

The international coffee day this year will be celebrated in Kirinyaga County , at General Kassam Stadium in Kianyaga Sub County on 1/10/2018.The event will take the shape of a field day among other activities in order to realize the objective of the event and will be attended by over 2,000 coffee stakeholders.

The theme of this year’s international coffee day is women in coffee given the important role women play in the whole of coffee value chain. Join us in this very important event as we celebrate women in coffee.

How to join KCPA

Membership to KCPA is open to both small scale coffee producers (estate and cooperatives) and large scale estates by paying an annual subscription fees.

Member Benefits

  • Representation by a united voice that can be heard at all levels
  • Lobbying and advocating on behalf of coffee producers in Kenya
  • Participation in the projects that are developed for the benefits of members
  • Negotiating on behalf of members for favourable relationship with the trade union movement in the coffee sector
  • Capacity building trainings
  • Market linkages

Market information


marketing report analysis for the past three marketing reports

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