Computerized Management Information System project, financed by Agriterra.
The project supported 12 cooperative societies in acquiring and installing coop works computerized software which is a computerized management information system. The software has capacity to support production collections, member management and inventory management modules
The project objective was to contribute to improved efficiency in the management of coffee cooperative societies with the overall result as improved incomes for coffee farmers
Project outcome
- Elimination of ghost kilos, popularly known as ’Kilo hewa’’ associated with the manual system of weighing coffee which is prone to manipulation by the factory recorders to award extra kilos to their preferred farmers. Part of the genesis of this is that less than a kilo of the crop is not recognised in the manual system. The digital scale records the exact weight of the dry beans and is reflected at the server.
- Improved record keeping
- Less time required for processing farmers’ pay outs