This is a summary report for the coffee auction prices for the past sales at the NCE auction;
Quality | Sale 25 of 4/8/2020 | Sale 26 of 18/8/2020 | Trend |
AA | 311.37 | 310.28 | Increased |
AB | 213.69 | 220.76 | Increased |
C | 149.84 | 143.51 | Decreased |
PB | 261.52 | 198.64 | Decreased |
T | 81.31 | 84.02 | Increased |
TT | 143.33 | 135.42 | Decreased |
E | 185.03 | 162.52 | Decreased |
HE | 101.57 | 107.55 | Increased |
MH | 85.72 | 84.54 | Decreased |
ML | 53.47 | 55.14 | Increased |
SB | 36.83 | 45.09 | Increased |
UG | 89.32 | 127.57 | Increased |
UG1 | 104.68 | 98.18 | Decreased |
UG2 | 73.46 | 68.82 | Decreased |
UG3 | 56.86 | 33.68 | Decreased |
SALE 37 OF 20/08/2019 |
SALE 38 OF 3/09/2019 |
SALE 39 OF 17/09/2019 |
AA |
164.85 |
180.12 |
219.05 |
Increased |
AB |
120.51 |
115.52 |
123.52 |
Increased |
C |
93 |
95.41 |
111.95 |
Increased |
PB |
109.52 |
96.59 |
98.54 |
Increased |
T |
53.36 |
66.75 |
75.37 |
Increased |
TT |
82.5 |
89.64 |
96.17 |
Increased |
E |
95 |
HE |
46.84 |
80.56 |
61.78 |
decreased |
MH |
73.53 |
70.46 |
73.32 |
Increased |
ML |
31.12 |
40.55 |
33.55 |
decreased |
SB |
29.35 |
31.79 |
36.46 |
Increased |
UG |
84.52 |
88.23 |
71.58 |
decreased |
UG1 |
79.13 |
85.21 |
86.94 |
Increased |
UG2 |
51.16 |
59.05 |
57.74 |
decreased |
UG3 |
37.29 |
SALE 34 OF 11/6/2019 |
SALE 35 OF 24/7/2019 |
SALE 36 OF 6/8/2019 |
AA |
115.11 |
151.53 |
162.83 |
Increased |
AB |
105.36 |
109.07 |
104.06 |
decreased |
C |
90 |
99.7 |
89.54 |
decreased |
PB |
101.4 |
95.14 |
97.92 |
increased |
T |
63.59 |
61.46 |
55.76 |
decreased |
TT |
78.41 |
90.11 |
85.36 |
decreased |
E |
271.03 |
229.33 |
226.81 |
decreased |
HE |
49.18 |
46.7 |
48.75 |
increased |
MH |
74.82 |
68.8 |
69.52 |
increased |
ML |
39.36 |
50.46 |
43.93 |
decreased |
SB |
36.32 |
20.63 |
26.47 |
increased |
UG |
56.16 |
97.79 |
90.06 |
decreased |
UG1 |
74.24 |
73.84 |
71.35 |
decreased |
UG2 |
50.82 |
59.35 |
46.67 |
decreased |
UG3 |
39.71 |
27.53 |
44 |
increased |
sale 32 |
sale 33 |
sale 34 |
Grade |
Average price |
Trends |
AA |
123.8 |
139.1 |
115.11 |
decreased |
AB |
97.22 |
100.86 |
105.36 |
increased |
C |
76.22 |
87.31 |
90 |
increased |
PB |
102.25 |
109.13 |
101.4 |
decreased |
T |
62.03 |
63.59 |
63.59 |
stagnant |
TT |
85.16 |
83.07 |
78.41 |
decreased |
E |
272.53 |
260.82 |
271.03 |
increased |
HE |
55.02 |
69.56 |
49.18 |
decreased |
MH |
67 |
77.15 |
74.82 |
decreased |
ML |
36.87 |
39.78 |
39.36 |
decreased |
SB |
28.2 |
38.36 |
36.32 |
decreased |
UG |
58.05 |
62.74 |
56.16 |
decreased |
UG1 |
56.73 |
61.96 |
74.24 |
increased |
UG2 |
40.08 |
54.05 |
50.82 |
decreased |
UG3 |
30.79 |
41 |
39.71 |
decreased |
Sale 32 of 28/5/19 |
Sale 33 of 4/6/19 |
Sale 34 of11/6/19 |
Trend |
AA |
123.8 |
139.1 |
115.11 |
decreased |
AB |
97.22 |
100.86 |
105.36 |
increased |
C |
76.22 |
87.31 |
90 |
increased |
PB |
102.25 |
109.13 |
101.4 |
decreased |
T |
62.03 |
63.59 |
63.59 |
stagnat |
TT |
85.16 |
83.07 |
78.41 |
decreased |
E |
272.53 |
260.82 |
271.03 |
increased |
HE |
55.02 |
69.56 |
49.18 |
decreased |
MH |
67 |
77.15 |
74.82 |
decreased |
ML |
36.87 |
39.78 |
39.36 |
decreased |
SB |
28.2 |
38.36 |
36.32 |
decreased |
UG |
58.05 |
62.74 |
56.16 |
decreased |
UG1 |
56.73 |
61.96 |
74.24 |
increased |
UG2 |
40.08 |
54.05 |
50.82 |
decreased |
UG3 |
30.79 |
41 |
39.71 |
decreased |
Quality |
Sale 26 of 16/4/19 |
Sale 27/of 24/4/19 |
Sale 28 0f 30/4/19 |
AA |
131.94 |
142.15 |
101.38 |
Decreased |
AB |
99.36 |
121.51 |
105.37 |
Decreased |
C |
77.25 |
87.95 |
79.89 |
Decreased |
PB |
122.93 |
120.9 |
99.36 |
Decreased |
T |
43.89 |
56.59 |
62.75 |
Increased |
TT |
75.45 |
85.12 |
80.81 |
Decreased |
E |
264.59 |
289.03 |
264.14 |
Decreased |
HE |
53.61 |
67.64 |
74.39 |
Increased |
MH |
66.1 |
62.13 |
59.7 |
Decreased |
ML |
40.15 |
32.86 |
31.36 |
Decreased |
SB |
0 |
22 |
11.62 |
Decreased |
UG |
0 |
0 |
56.9 |
UG1 |
46.88 |
57.89 |
66.94 |
Increased |
UG2 |
38.41 |
22.54 |
34.88 |
Increased |
UG3 |
0 |
0 |
23 |
Quality |
Sale 25 of 9/4/2019 |
Sale 26 of 16/4/19 |
Sale 27/of 24/4/19 |
Trends |
AA |
128 |
131.94 |
142.15 |
Increased |
AB |
111.28 |
99.36 |
121.51 |
Increased |
C |
86.65 |
77.25 |
87.95 |
Increased |
PB |
112.79 |
122.93 |
120.9 |
Decreased |
T |
41 |
43.89 |
56.59 |
Increased |
TT |
56.63 |
75.45 |
85.12 |
Increased |
E |
113.29 |
264.59 |
289.03 |
Increased |
HE |
72.46 |
53.61 |
67.64 |
Increased |
MH |
71.07 |
66.1 |
62.13 |
Decreased |
ML |
41.56 |
40.15 |
32.86 |
Decreased |
UG1 |
59 |
46.88 |
57.89 |
Increased |
UG2 |
43.83 |
38.41 |
22.54 |
Decreased |
Quality |
Sale 24 of 2/4/19 |
Sale 25 of 9/4/2019 |
Sale 26 of 16/4/19 |
Trends |
AA |
154.41 |
128 |
131.94 |
Increased |
AB |
115.79 |
111.28 |
99.36 |
Decreased |
C |
91.15 |
86.65 |
77.25 |
Decreased |
PB |
113.32 |
112.79 |
122.93 |
Increased |
T |
58.88 |
41 |
43.89 |
Increased |
TT |
83.93 |
56.63 |
75.45 |
Increased |
E |
188.29 |
113.29 |
264.59 |
Increased |
HE |
82.33 |
72.46 |
53.61 |
Decreased |
MH |
70.38 |
71.07 |
66.1 |
Decreased |
ML |
44.37 |
41.56 |
40.15 |
Decreased |
UG1 |
61.07 |
59 |
46.88 |
Decreased |
UG2 |
46.87 |
43.83 |
38.41 |
Decreased |
Quality |
Sale 21 of 12/3/19 |
S ale 22 of 19/3/2019 |
Sale 23 of 26/3/19 |
Trends |
AA |
180 |
162.87 |
161.42 |
Decreased |
AB |
141.1 |
156.31 |
119.69 |
Increased |
C |
99.42 |
103.33 |
93.4 |
Decreased |
PB |
129.76 |
125.93 |
118.9 |
Increased |
T |
80.66 |
74.06 |
65.04 |
Decreased |
TT |
96.98 |
98.25 |
90.53 |
Decreased |
E |
303.18 |
312.23 |
294.64 |
Decreased |
HE |
82.88 |
89.19 |
85.68 |
Decreased |
MH |
69.98 |
77.46 |
74.93 |
Decreased |
ML |
44.64 |
48.43 |
41.26 |
Decreased |
UG1 |
77.86 |
80.57 |
60.01 |
Decreased |
UG2 |
51.83 |
57.15 |
67.91 |
Increased |
Quality |
Sale 18 of 19/2/19 |
Sale 19 of 27/2/19 |
Sale 20 of 5/3/19 |
Trend |
AA |
284.51 |
287.84 |
223.97 |
Decreased |
AB |
208.89 |
198.45 |
172.66 |
Decreased |
C |
123.25 |
106.33 |
98.69 |
Decreased |
PB |
195.56 |
195.27 |
136.14 |
Decreased |
T |
86.97 |
87.53 |
88.28 |
Increased |
TT |
115.43 |
114.42 |
98.97 |
Decreased |
E |
320 |
303 |
284.81 |
increased |
HE |
97.78 |
76.79 |
84 |
Increased |
MH |
73.11 |
75.81 |
71.02 |
Decreased |
ML |
47.87 |
43.63 |
0 |
UG1 |
97.54 |
85.78 |
80.88 |
Decreased |
UG2 |
73.79 |
58.97 |
62.59 |
Increased |
Quality |
Sale 17 of 12/2/19 |
Sale 18 of 19/2/19 |
Sale 19 of 27/2/19 |
Trend |
AA |
327.33 |
284.51 |
287.84 |
Increased |
AB |
230.79 |
208.89 |
198.45 |
Decreased |
C |
138.64 |
123.25 |
106.33 |
Decreased |
PB |
215.58 |
195.56 |
195.27 |
Decreased |
T |
88.2 |
86.97 |
87.53 |
Increased |
TT |
149.87 |
115.43 |
114.42 |
Decreased |
E |
312.57 |
320 |
303 |
Increased |
HE |
97.14 |
97.78 |
76.79 |
Decreased |
MH |
76.28 |
73.11 |
75.81 |
Increased |
ML |
44.28 |
47.87 |
43.63 |
Decreased |
UG1 |
95.82 |
97.54 |
85.78 |
Decreased |
UG2 |
62.4 |
73.79 |
58.97 |
Decreased |
Quality |
Sale 16 0f 5/2/2019 |
Sale 17 of 12/2/19 |
Sale 18 of 4/2/19 |
Trend |
AA |
323.29 |
327.33 |
284.51 |
Decreased |
AB |
240.83 |
230.79 |
208.89 |
Decreased |
C |
141.24 |
138.64 |
123.25 |
Decreased |
PB |
210.23 |
215.58 |
195.56 |
Decreased |
T |
95.57 |
88.2 |
86.97 |
Decreased |
TT |
146.6 |
149.87 |
115.43 |
Decreased |
E |
299 |
312.57 |
320 |
Increased |
HE |
99.12 |
97.14 |
97.78 |
Increased |
MH |
73.5 |
76.28 |
73.11 |
Decreased |
ML |
43.53 |
44.28 |
47.87 |
Increased |
UG1 |
109.36 |
95.82 |
97.54 |
Increased |
UG2 |
68.05 |
62.4 |
73.79 |
Increased |
Quality |
Sale 15 of 29/1/2019 |
Sale 16 0f 5/2/2019 |
Sale 17 of 12/2/19 |
AA |
314.09 |
323.29 |
327.33 |
Increased |
AB |
245.41 |
240.83 |
230.79 |
Decreased |
C |
134.45 |
141.24 |
138.64 |
Decreased |
PB |
212.38 |
210.23 |
215.58 |
Increased |
T |
93.59 |
95.57 |
88.2 |
Decreased |
TT |
167.93 |
146.6 |
149.87 |
Increased |
E |
295 |
299 |
312.57 |
Increased |
HE |
101.18 |
99.12 |
97.14 |
Decreased |
MH |
72.83 |
73.5 |
76.28 |
Increased |
ML |
47.51 |
43.53 |
44.28 |
Increased |
UG |
0 |
0 |
74 |
Increased |
UG1 |
102.35 |
109.36 |
95.82 |
Decreased |
UG2 |
81.51 |
68.05 |
62.4 |
Decreased |
Quality |
Sale 14 of 22/1/19 |
Sale 15 of 29/1/2019 |
Sale 16 0f 5/2/2019 |
Trend |
AA |
325.53 |
314.09 |
323.29 |
Increased |
AB |
232.12 |
245.41 |
240.83 |
Decreased |
C |
147.17 |
134.45 |
141.24 |
Increased |
PB |
212.72 |
212.38 |
210.23 |
Increased |
T |
90.99 |
93.59 |
95.57 |
Increased |
TT |
130.01 |
167.93 |
146.6 |
Decreased |
E |
309 |
295 |
299 |
Increased |
HE |
62.2 |
101.18 |
99.12 |
Decreased |
MH |
60.19 |
72.83 |
73.5 |
Increased |
ML |
43.51 |
47.51 |
43.53 |
Decreased |
SB |
24 |
0 |
45 |
Increased |
UG1 |
90.97 |
102.35 |
109.36 |
Increased |
UG2 |
62.27 |
81.51 |
68.05 |
Decreased |
Quality |
Sale 13 of 15/1/19 |
Sale 14 of 22/1/19 |
Sale 15 of 29/1/2019 |
Trend |
AA |
288.34 |
325.53 |
314.09 |
Decreased |
AB |
209.82 |
232.12 |
245.41 |
Increased |
C |
136.49 |
147.17 |
134.45 |
Decreased |
PB |
193.3 |
212.72 |
212.38 |
Decreased |
T |
95.18 |
90.99 |
93.59 |
Increased |
TT |
149.56 |
130.01 |
167.93 |
Increased |
E |
296.63 |
309 |
295 |
Decreased |
HE |
104.94 |
62.2 |
101.18 |
Decreased |
MH |
71.82 |
60.19 |
72.83 |
Increased |
ML |
41.86 |
43.51 |
47.51 |
Increased |
SB |
0 |
24 |
0 |
0 |
UG |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
UG1 |
85.31 |
90.97 |
102.35 |
Increased |
UG2 |
65.8 |
62.27 |
81.51 |
Increased |
UG3 |
37 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Quality |
Sale 12 of 8/1/19 |
Sale 13 of 15/1/19 |
Sale 14 of 22/1/19 |
Trends |
AA |
271.25 |
288.34 |
325.53 |
Increased |
AB |
190.84 |
209.82 |
232.12 |
Increased |
C |
136.92 |
136.49 |
147.17 |
Increased |
PB |
311 |
193.3 |
212.72 |
Increased |
T |
75.62 |
95.18 |
90.99 |
Decreased |
TT |
123.05 |
149.56 |
130.01 |
Decreased |
E |
311 |
296.63 |
309 |
Increased |
HE |
104.65 |
104.94 |
62.2 |
Decreased |
MH |
72.6 |
71.82 |
60.19 |
Decreased |
ML |
41.58 |
41.86 |
43.51 |
Increased |
SB |
15 |
0 |
24 |
Increased |
UG |
51 |
0 |
0 |
– |
UG1 |
88.24 |
85.31 |
90.97 |
Increased |
UG2 |
53.12 |
65.8 |
62.27 |
Decreased |
UG3 |
0 |
37 |
0 |
– |
Sale 9 of 27/11/18 |
Sale 10 of 4/11/18 |
Sale 11 of 11/12/18 |
Trends |
AA |
305.06 |
309.02 |
301 |
Decreased |
AB |
191.78 |
211.57 |
192.67 |
Decreased |
C |
132.75 |
136.19 |
130.32 |
Decreased |
PB |
196.81 |
202.66 |
186.24 |
Decreased |
T |
76.54 |
93.27 |
82.28 |
Decreased |
TT |
158.09 |
168.65 |
131.14 |
Decreased |
E |
251.64 |
316.71 |
288 |
Decreased |
HE |
93.04 |
61.89 |
63.5 |
Increased |
MH |
62.13 |
76.48 |
66.37 |
Decreased |
ML |
36.68 |
50.19 |
39.07 |
Decreased |
SB |
0 |
20 |
26 |
Increased |
UG |
62.44 |
0 |
34.19 |
Increased |
UG1 |
110.64 |
117.18 |
98.26 |
Decreased |
UG2 |
38.58 |
71.72 |
53.85 |
Decreased |
UG3 |
29.78 |
30 |
38.46 |
Increased |
Sale 8 of 20/11/18 |
Sale 9 of 27/11/18 |
Sale 10 of 4/11/18 |
Trends |
AA |
302.17 |
305.06 |
309.02 |
Increased |
AB |
190.08 |
191.78 |
211.57 |
Increased |
C |
136.71 |
132.75 |
136.19 |
Increased |
PB |
176.22 |
196.81 |
202.66 |
Increased |
T |
62.89 |
76.54 |
93.27 |
Increased |
TT |
120.94 |
158.09 |
168.65 |
Increased |
E |
280 |
251.64 |
316.71 |
Increased |
HE |
71.92 |
93.04 |
61.89 |
Decreased |
MH |
68.6 |
62.13 |
76.48 |
Increased |
ML |
37.94 |
36.68 |
50.19 |
Increased |
SB |
0 |
0 |
20 |
Increased |
UG |
83.89 |
62.44 |
0 |
Decreased |
UG1 |
41 |
110.64 |
117.18 |
Increased |
UG2 |
0 |
38.58 |
71.72 |
Increased |
UG3 |
0 |
29.78 |
30 |
Increased |
Sale 7 of 13/11/2018 |
Sale 8 of 20/11/18 |
Sale 9 of 27/11/2018 |
AA |
297.43 |
302.17 |
305.06 |
increased |
AB |
201.63 |
190.08 |
191.78 |
increased |
C |
131.59 |
136.71 |
132.75 |
decreased |
PB |
200.8 |
176.22 |
196.81 |
increased |
T |
66.25 |
62.89 |
76.54 |
increased |
TT |
185.67 |
120.94 |
158.09 |
increased |
E |
291 |
280 |
251.64 |
decreased |
HE |
74.61 |
71.92 |
93.04 |
increased |
MH |
64.36 |
68.6 |
62.13 |
increased |
ML |
37.85 |
37.94 |
36.68 |
decreased |
UG |
74.21 |
83.89 |
62.44 |
decreased |
UG1 |
103.36 |
41 |
110.64 |
increased |
UG2 |
0 |
0 |
38.58 |
increased |
UG3 |
0 |
0 |
29.78 |
increased |
Sale 6 of 6/11/18 |
Sale 7 of 13/11/2018 |
Sale 8 of 20/11/18 |
AA |
297.43 |
297.43 |
302.17 |
increased |
AB |
201.63 |
201.63 |
190.08 |
decreased |
C |
131.59 |
131.59 |
136.71 |
increased |
PB |
200.8 |
200.8 |
176.22 |
decreased |
T |
66.25 |
66.25 |
62.89 |
decreased |
TT |
185.67 |
185.67 |
120.94 |
decreased |
E |
291 |
291 |
280 |
decreased |
HE |
74.61 |
74.61 |
71.92 |
decreased |
MH |
64.36 |
64.36 |
68.6 |
decreased |
ML |
37.85 |
37.85 |
37.94 |
increased |
UG |
74.21 |
74.21 |
83.89 |
increased |
UG1 |
103.36 |
103.36 |
41 |
decreased |
Sale 5 of 30/10/18 |
Sale 6 of 6/11/18 |
Sale 7 of 13/11/2018 |
AA |
312.05 |
315 |
297.43 |
Decreased |
AB |
205.63 |
212.93 |
201.63 |
Decreased |
C |
133.33 |
139.23 |
131.59 |
Decreased |
PB |
186.53 |
216.31 |
200.8 |
Decreased |
T |
57.23 |
82.22 |
66.25 |
Decreased |
TT |
130.73 |
141.55 |
185.67 |
Increased |
E |
0 |
0 |
291 |
Increased |
HE |
52.38 |
65.77 |
74.61 |
Increased |
MH |
69.44 |
73.19 |
64.36 |
Decreased |
ML |
34.42 |
33.71 |
37.85 |
Increased |
SB |
0 |
0 |
28 |
Increased |
UG |
32.42 |
92 |
74.21 |
Decreased |
UG1 |
88.59 |
79.7 |
103.36 |
Increased |
UG2 |
51.56 |
55.93 |
58.96 |
Increased |
Sale 4 of 23/10/2018 |
Sale 5 of 30/10/18 |
Sale 6 of 6/11/18 |
Trends |
AA |
321.9 |
312.05 |
315 |
increased |
AB |
193.47 |
205.63 |
212.93 |
increased |
C |
135.37 |
133.33 |
139.23 |
increased |
PB |
179.72 |
186.53 |
216.31 |
increased |
T |
85.64 |
57.23 |
82.22 |
increased |
TT |
118.72 |
130.73 |
141.55 |
increased |
HE |
64.91 |
52.38 |
65.77 |
increased |
MH |
71.24 |
69.44 |
73.19 |
increased |
ML |
48.83 |
34.42 |
33.71 |
decreased |
UG |
0 |
32.42 |
92 |
increased |
UG1 |
61.79 |
88.59 |
79.7 |
decreased |
UG2 |
0 |
51.56 |
55.93 |
increased |
UG3 |
0 |
28.32 |
26 |
decreased |
Sale 2 of 9/10/2018 |
Sale 3 of 16/10/2018 |
Sale 4 of 23/10/2018 |
Trend |
AA |
284.43 |
323.65 |
321.9 |
decreased |
AB |
205.65 |
199.89 |
193.47 |
decreased |
C |
113.33 |
134.16 |
135.37 |
increased |
PB |
153.49 |
155.16 |
179.72 |
increased |
T |
52.95 |
52.94 |
85.64 |
increased |
TT |
100.33 |
87.39 |
118.72 |
increased |
HE |
51.09 |
41.52 |
64.91 |
increased |
MH |
71.21 |
64.52 |
71.24 |
decreased |
ML |
38.72 |
45.35 |
48.83 |
increased |
UG1 |
78.76 |
72.25 |
61.79 |
decreased |
UG2 |
44.86 |
55.76 |
0 |
UG3 |
32 |
37 |
0 |
Sale 1 of 2/10/2018 |
Sale 2 of 9/10/2018 |
Sale 3 of 16/10/2018 |
Trend |
AA |
305.43 |
284.43 |
323.65 |
Increased |
AB |
171.66 |
205.65 |
199.89 |
Decreased |
C |
106.55 |
113.33 |
134.16 |
Increased |
PB |
158.08 |
153.49 |
155.16 |
Increased |
T |
65.67 |
52.95 |
52.94 |
Decreased |
TT |
107 |
100.33 |
87.39 |
Decreased |
HE |
63.41 |
51.09 |
41.52 |
Decreased |
MH |
66.91 |
71.21 |
64.52 |
Decreased |
ML |
51.49 |
38.72 |
45.35 |
Increased |
UG |
0 |
65.77 |
123 |
Increased |
UG1 |
93.41 |
78.76 |
72.25 |
Decreased |
UG2 |
52.97 |
44.86 |
55.76 |
Increased |
UG3 |
38.64 |
32 |
37 |
Increased |