1.To enhance good labour relations within the coffee industry

This objective is implemented to assist members in handling labour issues. The strategies to address labour are as follows:


  • Provide advice to the members before they can sign up to the Collective Bargaining Agreements with respective workers’ Unions.
  • Undertake a salary survey within the sector to effectively advice and inform the members.
  • Assist members to solve labour related disputes.
  • Form a committee at the head office in charge of industrial labour relations.
  • Hold seminars for members on industrial labour relations and relations and relevant labour laws and legislation Recruitment of staff to deal with industrial labour relations.
  • Collaborate with organizations dealing with labour issues.T

2.To promote production and marketing of quality coffee


Implementing this strategy will lead to the revival of the sector though increased production quality coffee and effective marketing of the same to ensure good returns to the farmers. Strategies to be implemented include the following:


  • Quality production.
  • Persuade the farmers to abandon the trend of uprooting coffee and replacing it with other crops by disseminating positive information on the current reforms.
  • Promote better husbandry of the coffee as one way of promoting the quality.
  • Promote improved post-harvesting technologies to enhance the quality of coffee produced.
  • Support and participate in the current initiatives for the development of Kenyan coffee certification standards


3.To lobby for an enabling environment for production, processing and marketing of coffee

The key role of the association is to provide an active voice for the farmers. This role will be mainstreamed in all the strategic objectives to ensure all reforms are to the best interest of farmers. The following are some of the key issues identified for lobbying although this is a continuous activity at the association head office and districts through the district representatives:


  • Government to fully liberalize the coffee sector and only assume the role of a facilitator and regulator and allow market forces to set trends. The individual farmers, estates, co-operative societies and millers will have a choice on how and where to sell their produce.
  • Lobby the government to comprehensively provide direction in the coffee sector by providing short and long term policy.
  • Lobby the government to provide clarity on the role of the various relevant institutions and ministries involved in coffee and ensure there is coordination.
  • Lobby for amendments on the coffee Act 2001 in various sections to ensure it effectively supports: production, processing and marketing of coffee for the benefit of the farmers and all stakeholders.
  • Lobby for the reduction of costs on all factors of coffee production and processing such as fertilizers and electricity.
  • Lobby for cancellation of farmer’s debts with commercial banks which became unserviceable due to poor performance of the sector.
  • Lobby for  infrastructure development and rehabilitation of roads within the coffee districts and, especially the effective use of the Coffee Cess funds paid to the Kenya Roads Board.T

4.To strengthen Kenya Coffee Producers Association to effectively reach out to more members and deliver quality service


Strengthening the association’s management and governance organs will ensure that it can influence change in the sector and deliver services to the members. Strategies to realize this will include:

a. Membership


  • Develop a database of current and potential members with contact addresses to facilitate communication.
  • Organise member’s recruitment drives across the country.
  • Identify district representatives to coordinate association activities in the respective districts


b. Governance


  • Organise seminars for the board of trustees and executive council members to equip them with required skills.
  • Facilitate meetings of the trustees, executive council members, committee members and annual general meetings.
  • Review the current constitution to ensure it is aligned  to the current strategic direction.
  • Adherence to the constitution in running the association


c. Staffing


  • Recruit staff for delivery of services.
  • Sponsor the staff for relevant trainings.

         d. Effective Communication



  • Develop effective communication channels with the members and all stakeholders.
  • Develop KCPA brochure and quarterly newsletter and brand the association with appropriate colours and logo.
  • Collaborate and network with relevant agencies in support of the association and the coffee sector.
  • Establish a website and email service at the head office and in the district/regional offices for easy communication with stakeholders within the coffee sector.
  • Establish district offices to enhance communication with the members


  e. Improve the financial position


  • Design effective method of collecting member’s subscription annual fees.
  • Gradually review the subscription as the association improves delivery of services to the members.
  • Fundraise from partners at this initial stage when the association is still not financially stable for operational and programs work.
  • Computerize the current accounting system.
  • Invest in short and long term projects to generate income when the resources are available


  f. Administrative policies and systems


  • Design policies and procedures on: membership, financial and personnel management, use of assets like vehicles, management of assets and procurement.
  • Design computerized systems for: Membership data and accounting.
  • Procure computers, printers, furniture and office vehicle


5.To facilitate provision of Business Development Services to the members

For  the members to take advantage of the opportunities and operate in a business manner for better returns on their investments, the association will seek to provide trainings in collaboration with other agencies especially the Kenya coffee college at CRF. The association will undertake the following:


  • Facilitate development of relevant training programmes for the farmers, especially on production.
  • Package and disseminate information on the management of the cooperatives societies.
  • Identify effective channels for information dissemination such as news letters and the use of national FM Radios and TV.
  • Print training/reading materials for all programs developed


6.To enhance communication and collaboration with national and international organizations

For the association to be effective in lobbying and advocacy, it will enhance its communication with its members, relevant government institutions and organizations working for the benefit of the farmers. Strategies to enhance communication will include:


  • Strengthening internal communication capacity by: installing an email, design a website and develop brochures and other materials on the association that will inform the members and other stakeholders on activities and progress of the association.
  • Identifying networks that are relevant for the realization of the association objectives.
  • Participate as active members of institutions aiming to reform the coffee sector.
  • Participate in meetings, workshops and conferences deliberating on coffee issue